“The website SHOULD suggest people read the important SDS (Safety Data Sheets) BEFORE purchasing the especially toxic to water, air etc. products + they should note the IMPORTANT DIRECTIONS ON THE BACK OF THE Roach Killer Jug are PRETTY IMPOSSIBLE TO READ unless one has excellent eye sight! On the website in the "description" or "additional information" there is NOTHING about the toxicity to the user information -or safety glasses needed, rubber gloves, need to safely (how????) dispose of wash water, or empty container, or that the product is COMBUSTIBLE ~ OR NEED TO KEEP OUT OF WATERWAYS, OR HIGHLY TOXIC TO FISH OR AQUATIC INVERTEBRATE ~ ALL RELEVANT, CRITICAL INFORMATION THAT A CONSUMER SHOULD HAVE BEFORE DECIDING TO PURCHASE THESE PRODUCTS AND USE WISELY!!!!!
So I didn't appreciate finding out AFTER the fact and it doesn't demonstrate to me that the company is taking seriously the need for it's products to be used wisely or purchased responsibly via an informed consumer. Not ok with me!”
“Finished putting out the tablets and applying spray January 31. Ours is a light infestation, but we have not seen any sign roaches yet (today if February 5th). I am ware that they sometimes are less active during the cold weather months, but so far so good. I'll give an update later.”