“I first purchased the Biomax 900 with the wheels stand. Then the next day I bought the Biomax 450 with a Stand. Within a few days I received both panels. I decided to attach the 450 panel on top of the 900 panel. The combined panels gives me 56" x 12" of red, infrared therapy. So far I'm delighted with the panels and the resulted therapy.”
“I have inflammation and arthritis in my lower back. Two operations with rods and pins. After the fifth time using the Biomax 900 I started feeling better. After the eighth time using it I am pain free!! It also helped with a rash and itching on my back due to a medication that I take.”
“My husband was having trouble with back pain, and after using the red light, his back pain has cleared up. I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and cysts in my breasts. Red light therapy helps me to just plain feel better. I am sleeping much better, and it helps lift my mood. I use it five days a week for 20 minutes (five minutes on front, back, and each side). It’s also shrinking the cysts in my breasts!! They are smaller since using it. One cyst in particular on the bra line would become irritated by the bra, but now, I don’t even feel it.”
“We received the Biomax 900 on Tuesday, September 3rd, one day earlier than expected. We opened the box the following day, attached it to the stand with wheels, connected the electrical cord, turned it on and was amazed at bright the panel was. It was very easy to set up. We didn't like the stand because it was only a couple inches from the floor and we had to stand farther back to get our whole body "lit up". Guess we wasted a little money on that one. So we attached it the door in the guest bedroom, adusted it to our satisfaction with the enclosed rope and pulley. We have been enjoying it almost every day.
We had started using a red light therapy bed at our eye doctor's office, but decided the cost of purchasing our own RLT panel would be far more economical. Actually, we both enjoy this panel better than the bed, it's ours, and we can use it anytime we desire. Our cost at the doctor's office was $50.00 per session and ours will soon be paid for.
Very pleased!
Thank you.”
“This is one of the absolute best purchases that I have recently made. I love the PlatinumLED Therapy Light. Its well made and easy to use. The therapeutic benefit from daily red light therpy is amazing. Since using red light therapy, I have noticed that my skin is glowing and my wounds heal much more quickly.”
“This is my second Biomax 900 Platinum LED Light purchase. My husband and I built a new house in a different location from our other house. After a few months without my Platinum light, my hair was falling out, a lot. I have now been using the second light at our new house about 3 weeks. My hair stopped falling out which is such a relief. I also forgot how much it helps my sleep. Not only do I sleep better, I feel my sleep is much deeper. Over all I feel so much better when I use my light daily. Love ti!”