“Good product. Our last Honeywell mixing valve was installed 12 years ago. This is the 2nd one to replace the old one when it starts to leak. The reason I didn't give 5 stars is the design of the screw on the hand wheel. With rust and scaling built up for years, it can not be moved and finally broke screw head. Other parts are still in good condition after 12 years. It needs only new rings. We believe it can be used for several more years with proper rings replaced. Bought a new one anyway because we are going to have new piping.”
“Easy to install over the water heater (I am not a plumber, but I have done a fair amount of copper pipe work), then it took about 5 minutes to adjust it with the included temperature strip. Then I forgot about it. That was 3 months ago. It has worked flawlessly ever since.”
“Plumbing store wanted $50 more for valve. I was leary because Honeywell no longer made these valves but the valve fit spot on. Showers are hot again and happy wife, happy life! Do recommend.”