“The original valve I installed about 15 years ago failed and the Domestic Hot Water from the (heating) Boiler output was about 160°F which is a setup for a very serious (skin) burn. Fortunately the same (Honeywell) valve is still available. Replacement was simple, mounting dimensions were the same so no Piping changes were necessary. Shower is not very SAFE & comfortable!”
“I'm using it to mix cold water with hot water from my heat exchanger for my wood stove, but I'm having trouble regulating the temperature of my hot water.”
“We added the same valve for our water heater after installing an outdoor boiler and WH sidearm about 2015, the actuating pin from the wax capsule was stuck resulting in cool hot water and couldn't be purchased alone. Trying a rebuild kit didn't fix it, but installing the relevant part from this new unit did, and was easier than redoing all the associated plumbing for a new valve”