“Very nice quality leather, really well made. A lifetime piece. The only negative is the monogram. The lettering is too small, (same size as wallet), and it’s located poorly; jammed into the bottom right corner as far as possible. It should be larger and located away from the edge somewhat in a more aesthetically pleasing fashion.”
“I’ve been carrying my A5 notebook cover for only a few weeks and am still setting things up. It is a companion to my field notes cover and I’m sure it will start looking as well used soon. Both durable and great looking products.”
“This was purchased as a birthday present for my son serving as an officer in AFG. He uses it everyday and loves its look and durability. This is his favorite color and gets tons of compliments. He also has the field note cover, Habo cover and wallets in black.”
“I had been looking at this for long time before I ordered, and I was pretty confident it was going to be amazing...but I have to say - it's beyond amazing. Not only does it fit my A5 journal like a glove, I get compliments on it every time I pull it out of my bag.
The minute you have this beautiful piece of leather in your hands, you know it's a quality item. Thick, luxurious and beyond beautiful. And the smell....did I mention the smell? Incredible. *sigh
If you are even remotely on the fence about ordering one of these journal covers, don't be. You will be ever so glad you did!”