“Honestly, I cannot say enough about the quality of the leather and final product that Popov is making! I've recently purchased multiple wallets, a belt, keychains, and other items from them. Every item is great from the leather used, which in my opinion is some of the best I have ever seen used in leather products, to the the build quality of each, which cannot be overstated. Just phenomenal! The smell of the leather is the BEST (if you like the smell of leather that is). Great leather used to make awesome products. Of course, I will be buying more from them!”
“I have no fashion sense but I hope I am not breaking any when I mix this up with a dark coloured leather belt. The leather is from a looser grain area but still good quality. Feels so nice to the touch. To make things more functional though, one might need a retractable gadget but otherwise I love the solid hardware.”