“The leather and craftsmanship are high quality. The pockets were too tight at first, but they loosened up over a few days and are now perfectly snug. (The information card that comes with the wallet mentions this.) I wish it had a few more pockets, the kind you can safely keep a picture in, but it comes as advertised. Overall I am happy with the wallet and happy to support a small company. My only complaint is that the push notifications I agreed to from the website are super annoying and invasive! Definitely don't agree to them if you don't want to be pestered by ads that prevent you from clicking on other stuff!”
“This wallet has to live up to some high expectations. My old wallet has endured for 11 years of tough use. I do love the way this breaking in. Time will tell.”
“I initially was skeptical of Popov's claims, so often you see things on the internet which promise "100% real leather" or "complete, full-grain" which are not worth it. I am someone who was used to spending about $20 on cheap, low-quality leather wallets that would last for about a year. I assumed that that level of quality was about as good as it would get.
I am blown out of the water by this wallet. It's about triple the price range that I would usually spend on a wallet, but it's far more than triple the quality and mileage that I would get out of three, $20 wallets. I ordered the black with navy and love it. Cannot recommend this highly enough.”
“I just received my wallet in the mail and the first thing you notice is how good the leather is. I'm extremely impressed by the craftsmanship and the quality of this product. I couldn't be happier. I will post some photos after a couple months of use so you can get a sense what i will look like. Also, the smell is so addicting. I probably look crazy but every time I take my wallet out, I have to give it a good whiff.
In addition, the Popov Leather team provided some of the best customer service I have ever experienced!
Thank you guys so much for the wallet and I will never look elsewhere for a leather product :)”
“Material and craftsmanship are awesome. It's a bit thicker than I expected when loaded with two cards per slot. Hoping it softens up and slims a little with more break-in.”
Fear not, as patina develops the leather will soften up and break in nicely. The wallet will conform to your pockets and carry. Check in after a couple months :)