Massaging the eyes stimulates circulation which tones the surrounding muscle tissue, reducing bags, dark circles and the signs of swelling or puffiness. Your eyes will look brighter and feel less tired and strained. Regular use of the massager can provide relief for a range of eye problems. Are your eyes feeling the strain of being in front of a PC screen all day? Are they watery or itchy? Has close-up work or reading become difficult? Wearing the Eyezone for just a few minutes can alleviate symptoms and make you feel rejuvenated. The Eyezone Massager is a fantastic, pleasurable and drug-free alternative to painkillers, especially as it directly and immediately targets the source of your pain. Whether it's tiredness, strain or puffiness you want to tackle, your eyes will soon be smiling again after a session with this. The Eyezone features two massage speed settings and adjustable straps for comfort.
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