Ever wanted to recreate the excitement of your favourite arcade at home? Fancy a new and unique family game not involving a fancy, and very expensive, games console? Well here is the answer, the WiKi Fairground Candy Grabber game machine!
OK, so it's not quite the next Playstation, but this little gizmo certainly promises hours of entertainment for the whole family. Simply fill it with your favourite sweets, insert one of the fake coins supplied and frantically try to grab the sweets before the music runs out and the game is over!
A great addition to a family night in front of the T.V, a summer get together with friends or even a welcome break from a nail biting afternoon watching the football!
Exciting, fun, and oh so simple to use, the WiKi Fairground Candy Grabber is something that little bit different that every family can enjoy.
01827 839041
The Atrium,
Curtis Road Business Park,