“I loved my ring and the packaging and stickers but it was too small. I think maybe I should be able to send it back and get another one that‚Äôs my size.”
“I received my daisy ring and LOVED IT so much that I took it with me on vacation. At some point during my trip, I took it off to take a shower. After my shower I couldn't find it anywhere. I searched the house I was in and everything. I was with my then boyfriend, and he said that it will turn up. Well, it has been almost 2 months and I still cant find it. I just went back to that same house this weekend, and still couldn't find it. I also just broke up with my boyfriend so I was sad and really just wanted to find this amazing ring and I still cant find it. I loved that ring and I am so upset with myself! anything you could help me do?? it was a size 9. I recently lost 70 lbs and was so excited that I could finally fit into your rings...”