“Please keep me on your preferred customer list because I am a frequent customer & will continue to order from you on a biMonthly basis. If your Out of Stock at any time just give me a heads up when my order will be shipped, no refund. I want my Deer Placenta!
It’s a cold wet transition from Winter to Spring here in Central NY. I’ve been taking your product for a few months now & it is helping to heal my stomach & my sensitive bladder. I’m taking your Deer Placenta daily & I can now eat Bovine Steak without inflammation, that is a major improvement for me!
Another perk is my hair is very full & long with less split ends. I used to have a uniBrow, now my eyebrows are both even & thicker on each side. I never wear make-up!
Excellent Product. Please continue to offer it to the U.S, or at least just to me! Thanks for letting me know about my order! Have a great day in New Zealand!
~ Selman, Cazenovia NY 13035”