“The series 2 carafe keeps my coffee hot. However, it does not pour smoothly. Although the updated carafe is an improvement, I would not recommend replacing the original one - even at the discounted price.”
“I really wanted to like this--I've replaced the lid twice on my series 1 carafe because of failed seals, so this seemed like a great solution. It looks great, the lid easily slips right into place...but it always has the pour spout open, so it loses heat super quickly. By the time I get my second cup a half-hour later, it's significantly cooler. I've had this for a week or two and I've pretty much switched back to the old carafe because it keeps the coffee a lot warmer. If there was some sort of cover or plug or something, this would be great, but as it is, it doesn't do the main thing it's supposed to do.”
“It pours much better than series 1. I like the lid because it is easy to put on, easier to clean and dry completely. And the coffee remains hot similar to the way the original carafe. I rate the complete Ratio 6 with these improvements as excellent.”
“The carafe has a good pour until the last few ounces. There is a split in the lid where the gasket is seated and when the last few ounces are poured the coffee hits this split and the stream breaks up a bit.
There is no closing mechanism on this one, the spout remains open….so this won’t keep the coffee as hot for as long as the first model did, not by much but still noticeable. Having said that this one is still a better pour overall due to the improved spout profile.”