“I loved the product! I bought the 7-day low-sugar cleanse but ended up doing 5 days and saving the last two days for after my vacation! I lost 7 lbs and felt much lighter and had more energy towards the end. I loved the taste, I can't wait to do my additional two days in two weeks!”
“I have tried many different juice cleanses and this is by far the best one that I have tried from an online service. I love the emphasis on low sugar because I always find that higher sugar cleanses feel less like a detox and tend to be a little harder on my body in terms of headaches, etc. 10/10 reccommend!”
“I was really impressed with this juice cleanse. I was thrilled to finally find cold pressed juices low in sugar. And every single juice tasted great! I would definitely do again:)”
“I have tried both the protein cleanse (twice) and lower sugar cleanse and I noticed a bigger improvement with this lower sugar one! I was concerned that I would be hungrier, but that wasn't the case. I even had more energy on Day 3 than previously. Highly recommend!”
“It was a challenge at first, but with the preset drinks it kept me in a great schedule of when to drink the next bottle. The Cacao is sweet as well as the cashew one as well.”