“The Protein Cleanse definitely is challenging, as any cleanse is, but the protein drinks help keep you full for the day. It was a good re-set to guide myself to healthier eat habits.”
“They tasted great. I had to cheat a little with salad and fruit because they were not filling. I noticed that my sugar cravings have significantly decreased after completely this cleanse.”
“This was a pretty good cleanse! I love the smoothies. The juices were pretty good too. I didn’t feel as hungry as I thought I would! The protein smoothies make you feel fuller.”
“The juices all tasted really good. There wasn't any complicated instructions. You can drink which ever juice/smoothie you want in any order that you like. I definitely recommend giving it a try.”
“I love that I was able to work out all 3 days & didn’t feel hungry. The first day was hardest as I was drinking the juices/smoothies around meal times with my family as opposed to listening to my body when I needed to eat/drink something. Days 2 & 3 I listened to my body’s hunger cues & it went much easier!”
“I liked being able to try a variety of the different drinks. I loved the chocolate cashew and sweet green drink. I’ll definitely be ordering again to try some other flavors as well as some I already know I enjoy”