“There was a 2 week delay in shipment due to the volume of orders, but when I contacted customer service, they were quick to act, which I appreciated!”
“I had to wait a little over two weeks to get the product and when it came in I threw it in the freezer for another few days since the timing to start the regimen was no longer good for me. When I was ready I thawed out 1 day at a time and did the 3-day routine. I threw in a medium black coffee in the mornings and in the evenings I had a few slices of apple, otherwise it was the drinks and water for 3 days. Drinks were tasty.”
“Totally enjoyed the products & thought them to be very convenient and loved each flavor. Would love to use them daily, but the expense is off putting for me. My stomach felt great, no gas or bloating. I found 4/day very satisfying.”
“Was kind of bummed about the delay since I wanted to do the cleanse before I went on a trip so I had to wait to start until I got back but overall it was a good experience.”
“The product was great but I felt as if I had no clue to when the juice would arrive. Since this is a perishable product there must be some better way to track, especially during high demand. Mine did not arrive until I was on my way out of town...luckily I caught the package, or I would have had to beg a neighbor to somehow put over 30 bottles of juice in her freezer.”