“I didn't lose anywhere close to 8 pounds. I lost just over 2, which is nothing worth giving up solid food for five whole days for. And yes, I followed the cleanse guide exactly.”
Hi there! We are sorry to hear your experience was not what you had hoped for! Although most of our customers do experience weight loss with our cleanses, everyone's body is different and results will vary from one person to the next. The key to a successful cleanse is preparation! This informative blog post will tell you how to best prepare for your cleanse, and why preparing is important.
If you feel you did not prepare properly or feel you may benefit from a different type of cleanse and would like to discuss your experience further, please email me directly at Amanda@rawgeneration.com. Thanks!
“It works! Influenced a healthy diet after, wasn’t starving during. Cravings got intense but you have to tell yourself it’s only for this long. If you make it through you won’t even be thinking of that craving in the end!”
“I didn’t think I’d be able to stick to this cleanse, but I’m on day 4 of 5 and I feel great. Happy and refreshed! I have been hungry occasionally, but I also haven’t been drinking all 6, so today I’ll drink all 6. Day one was a lot of bathroom time, but more peeing than anything else. By day 3 I was back to normal bowl movements. Sorry so detailed on that, but I know it’s what weighs on a lot of folks minds when they think of a cleanse.”
“I was skeptical at first because this was my first time ever doing a juice cleanse and I’ve been stuck at a plateau as far as my weight goes. I did the 5 day cleanse and in total lost 7 lbs! I will admit the first day it was hard to stomach some of the flavors but after the second day I became more used to the flavors and it wasn’t so bad. I felt good overall, did get a little lightheaded during the process but whenever that happened I would drink more water or snack on something little like a banana. Overall would recommend to anyone looking for a good detox and cleanse.”
Thank you for sharing your feedback and results with us! We are glad to hear you were able to power through some common symptoms and complete your cleanse! 7 lbs is a great boost! Keep up the great work!