“It never truly unthawed after following the directions. After 72 hours it still had a block of frozen juice in the center and did not taste very good.”
Hi there, we apologize your experience was not what you had hoped for. A lot of times if your refrigerator is too cold and the bottles go in as a solid block of ice, they can take too long to thaw. If you notice this problem, a great way to thaw the bottles is to leave them on the counter for an hour or until halfway thawed (do not exceed 1 hour outside of refrigeration) and then transfer to the refrigerator overnight. Try not to put the bottles right next to each other, as this will make the time to thaw quite a bit longer. 😊Please contact me directly at Amanda@rawgeneration.com to discuss your order and a way we can make your experience a better one!
“Although all of the juices were delicious, they mostly had a TON of sugar. This resulted in some pretty serious headaches (especially since I wasn't eating) and I ended up not drinking more than three a day. I switched the lower-sugar cleanse and had a much better experience! But, overall recommended if you aren't sensitive to sugar / sugar doesn't trigger headaches for you.”
“I absolutely recommend raw generation to family and friends ! I feel fabulous during and after my five day Skinny Cleanse ! The juices are easy ! The taste is great !! I am and will continue to be a customer”
“All the juices tasted great and kept me full all day. I felt really during and after completing the cleanse. Dropped a few pounds and got rid of some bloat.”
“I'm pretty picky about flavors and tend to stick to really simple things and was surprised I like all of the juices. They are right about them being better ice cold. I'm on my second order and want to try other flavors in the future. Highly recommend!”
“using This cleanse alone and having a black coffee here and there you will lose weight . but when u incorporate exercise you shed at least 2-3 pds a day”