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Splinter Tweezer Reviews

4.9 Rating 64 Reviews
Forget about anybody else - Tweezerman, or otherwise. Regine splinter tweezers are super, super sharp and precise. I do a lot of woodworking and yard work and am not very diligent about wearing gloves, so unfortunately I use these perhaps once a month. The whole family knows "DON"T MESS WITH DAD'S SILVER TWEEZERS!!
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Posted 4 years ago
Great quality & worth every penny. Best ever.
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Posted 4 years ago
I bought 2 pair 10 years ago from this company. My husband uses one pair (for splinters and for taking out sand spurs from his fingers) and I used the other pair for my eyebrows. I dropped my pair and bent the tiny but very pointed ends. Amazon still carried the brand.....won't buy from another company. These are excellent, pricy but worth every penny!! They do the job perfectly.
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Posted 4 years ago
I haven't used them yet but I'm a woodworker and I'm sure they will fill the bill when needed.
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Posted 5 years ago
Finest pair of tweezers I've had in some time - however, the price being the highest, it's worth noting that for the same price you could buy 3 or 4 majestic Bombay Tweezers (8$ on amazon) which are negligibly less fine tipped tweezers but still bang on in terms of quality and among the best of the surgical tipped varieties available. A note about the the warranty - which I haven't needed to use (yet), but per their own warranty information, is lifetime, but $12.95 for processing, PLUS whatever it costs you to mail it with a tracking. So when the time comes, you'll have to fork out about $20 to have them sharpened or replaced. Which .... puts into question the value of a lifetime warranty.From their website:"[]If, at any time, your tweezers no longer perform as originally intended due to wear, workmanship, or even accidental damage, we will gladly repair or replace them it at no charge.Please send tweezers along with a description of the problem, your original receipt, name, return address, email, phone number, and $12.95 for return processing to...[]
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Posted 5 years ago
Purchased a variety of tweezers and these are the best for accuracy and securing the finest hair.
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Posted 5 years ago
Excellent Swiss tweezers with a fine point.
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Posted 5 years ago
Best for eyelash extensions separating . Very very pointy be carful lol
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Posted 5 years ago