“I was drinking Dragon Eye Oolong for years, and I was worried when the name was changed. I have to say, I still really miss Dragon Eye Oolong and do not like the new formulation nearly as well. The new formulation is close, but the fruit/floral taste and smell are just too over the top and too overpowering. They detract from the overall experience of what was one of my very favorite teas.
Please, please, please, bring the old flavor profile back!!”
“It isn't what I expected. I was disappointed after having the other version at pf changs. This isnt close. If I bought this not trying the other i think I would like it. But expecting that and getting this is a let down.”
“I had this tea at PF Changs recently and asked for the brand so I could buy it. I’m pretty sure that PF Chang’s was using a different version of the same tea, because it doesn’t taste the same to me. Does the company sell a different version of this to restaurants?”
“Smooth, full of flavor and Elegant! It's probably the best tea I've ever had! I drink it all day! I've tasted many Oolong teas with various hi and low notes. Revolution Oolong is Hand's DOWN the *BEST*”