“My dog, Rollie, is a 72 lb. samoyed/golden retriever mix. He's thirteen, but you'd never know it. From starting him on Ruffgreens, I've noticed he has a lot more energy. He licks his dish. He's running & jumping around the house more often. He really likes Ruffgreens!”
“If I based this review on ingredients alone it's a 5 star! This is more robust that most human multivitamins. BUT, my dog won't eat it. She won't eat anything unless it's yummy smelling human food. I was hopeful she would love this as the ads say but she does not. It's worth a shot because of the ingredients!”
“Unfortunately, my dog is too picky and did not even take to your product. But the salesperson was very helpful and cancelled the current and all future purchases.”
“I have a 3 year old lab named Jake very picky eater so I gave him his food last night I did not put any Ruff Greens on it and he came into the living room looking at me like what's going on so I went and put the scoop of Greens on there soon as I left the kitchen he gobbled it down”
“Winston, my 6 yo Sheltie, is a picky eater and I’ve been very impressed that he will pick the dry food with Ruff Greens over his wet food. Which is saying a lot. It would take him two days to eat a cup of dry. Now he gobbles it down and has been on the product for 3 weeks. I’m happy I tried and telling all of my dog owner friends how well it works.”
“My dog, a German Shorthair Pointer that is 11 years old, has been on the Ruff Greens for about 5 days. He is in pretty good shape for his age anyway but since he started the greens I think he is showing some improvement. I think it's a solid product.”
“Excellent! Our dog loved the flavor and gobbled her food down immediately. We plan to continue with this benefit as we want to keep our girl in better shape as she gets older by getting well needed vitamins and nutrients that she needs.”