“Besides our dog not liking the product and not inclined to jump through gravy enhanced delivery system hoops, Ruff Greens ads don't align from one product piece to another. To get customers, in their initial piece offering a free trial pack, Ruff Greens says it's the product to minimize your dogs constant scratching. Then, a week or so later Ruff Greens comes out with another email and it showed, month by month, where customers should/would see the benefits of using Ruff Greens. Not one word about excessive scratching all the way through 1 year of use. Being this issue was the one afflicting our dog, I went for the free trial. Quit after trying a couple of weeks to get our dog to eat her Ruff Green dust covered food. In all fainess, she did like the little treat Ruff Greens included with their trial pack.”
“My dogs love Ruff Greens if I followed directions on the green bag! :) they will be improved in a few more days :) I had Nuvet Labs vitamins that I wanted to stop them then put Ruff Greens in their dog foods because Ruff Greens is similar to NuVet Labs. It’s up to you if you thought I am wrong or right. It’s ok to agree or disagree if RG would work for your dogs. I am not judging anyone, but RG can help dogs to get better if dog foods do not work very well.”
“I was a little concerned if she would like it. After a couple of seconds of sniffing and investigating, she went full throttle into eating her food and even paying attention to making sure she licked up any and all leftovers on the plate! I know she liked it because she gave her chops several extra licks to make sure she got it all! Thanks Ruff Greens!”
“My Labrador has only had it for a few days but seems to really like the flavor. I may write another review after she has been using it for a while. No complaints so far.”
“Our 11 year old lab/shepherd mix is still as lively as she was as a pup. She seems to heal from her injuries faster than she used to before we started giving her Ruff Greens. It's worth the cost to keep my pup healthy.”
“put one table spoon in my dogs ontop of the food, mixed it up dog sniffed it, she did not eat for 2 days. removed food and cleaned dog she at her food on the 3day”