“A sturdy looking bag, however the shoulder straps and carry handle appear a little flimsy, the back could have had some padding for comfort and the interior storage space is spartan. Not very suitable for lugging heavy contents for long periods. I guess use over time will be the best evaluation.”
“Classic Jansport, and feels of the same quality as the one I had growing up. I have a Swissgear backpack for travel, which is amazing for travel or big loads, but its too big for daily commuting with just a few notebooks, books, pens, wallet, and snack. Its a little wider and taller on my back than expected (Im female, Asian) but the depth isnt overly deep, so I dont feel like Im carrying around a bunch of extra bag space I dont need on the train. The fabric and zippers seem durable, but I need to break it in a little bit more, as the fabric is a bit stiff starting out. Love the bold color.”