“My daughter loves and has always used JanSport bags but this time we were looking for a laptop backpack. To be honest I like the bag the fabric and everything it looks smart but I was disappointed that it has only one big compartment were the laptop and all the other stuff are to be fitted in. It has a front small pocket but it doesnt fit the lunch box ! So the lunch box, the books and the laptop will all have to fit together. The previous JanSport was much better it had two compartments plus the front pocket. I dont see anything special about the laptop case its not as supported as I thought it would be. It doesnt have any side pockets either. We are kind of disappointed!”
“I have purchased different kinds of Jansport bags because of its durability, great design, fantastic colours, and high functionality. This bag is perfect for my laptop and other electronic devices. Lots of room to fit my stuff and plenty of compartments to accommodate chargers, pens, USBs. The padded shoulder straps are comfortable. I love the colour! It's a great bag. I love it.”