“This bag is really good and practical. Very easy to access and the most durable bag I have ever had. Waterproof indeed and perfect for any laptop. The bag is really good for traveling as well as I have traveled overseas multiple times with it def would recommend this product.”
Hi Daniel! That's wonderful to hear:) The Boundary Supply Prima System Modular X-Pac DSLR Travel Backpack sounds like an excellent choice. Its durability, accessibility, and waterproof features make it ideal for both everyday use and travel. Thank you for sharing your positive experience!
“I've enjoyed using this backpack every day, it's comfortable, stylish and very handy. My only issue with it is one seam broke on the back pouch of the main compartment, and I was a bit disappointed. It's still very much usable though and I like it very much.”
So sorry to hear about the issue with the seam, Facundo. If you still need assistance, please feel free to chat or email us. Have a good one! Cheers - Del