“The strap is easy to use, folds up small enough to fit in a small compact camera bag or pocket and slim enough on the wrist to be very comfortable. I feel it is strong enough to hold a reasonably heavy DSLR camera body and lens if dropped. I have tested this sussefully with me vlog set up of a GoPro, Zoom Audio recorder and GoPro mic adapter on a gimbal. Best of all it looks good! Yes looking good matters when you are a tourist or a professional photographer because a wrist strap that looks like it is an old backpack strap is so yesterday and this strap looks great.”
“had one of these before that i lost ona hike when it wasn't attached to anything so bought the new version which I have to say is just as functional and a significantly improved design.”
“Bought this to replace a broken Crumpler item. Love the little touches with the Peak Design stuff - the quick release button is a really nice option.”