“Good leggings. There not very high waisted though. They fall down at the back and don’t fit girls with big bums very well!
Pockets are great though and they come in a good length :)”
“Ryderwear has been the first brand where I have always received amazing quality leggings. I have purchased many leggings from ryderwear and the NKD pocket leggings will definitely be a repurchase!”
“These are really comfortable fabric, they run a bit smaller than the other styles I have in this size, but that's not an issue as it's only 10 weeks after I've had my baby so I'll continue to lose weight.
Only issue - I wish the top of the pockets were a little lower. They're really high, which means sometimes I have to lift up my top to put anything in them... We're not all wearing cropped singlets and t-shirts!”
“I was so excited about these pants, I am not sure if they are too big as they seem to fit well but as soon as I start walking they fall down. Even without anything in the pockets. They are such a nice fabric and look amazing but so gutted about the fact they fall down.”