“I personally don't like a lot of moving parts, or extra steps, so I just plant my seeds directly into their long-term home--a 5 gallon commercial nursery pot with extra holes poked in the bottom. So far, I'm 7 for 7 germinating seeds with the old fashioned method. I dampen my soil, poke a 1/2" (about 1 cm) deep hole and drop the seed in. It has not yet failed me. Usually it takes about four days to sprout, sometimes five.
Normally, I plant them in Happy Frog without using a layer of starter potting soil or coco. I find that Happy Frog is perfect for growing a plant seed to harvest with enough nutrients in the early going to get completely through veg on an auto, or about four to five weeks into veg with a photo. Due to The Dreaded Virus (dun dun dun) my local weed growing shop was fresh out of Happy Frog, but they had a whole pallet of Roots Organics. RO has everything that Happy Frog has, but also includes fish bone meal and feather meal. Due to the extra ingredients there was the chance that RO is a bit hotter than the Happy Frog. Because of this I spread out about 2" of very low nutrient Lambert potting soil (you could use any peat/coco based starter soil that does't have any time release crap in it), dampened it well, and planted in that rather than the RO beneath it.
Well, I'll say this: Glueberry Auo Fem Seeds #1 planted in the starter potting soil worked extremely well. It sprouted in LESS than 3 days (Now I'm 8 for 8)--def the fastest so far--and she's working on a tiny 3rd set of leaves (not counting the Cotyledons) in the first week since sprout. I'm super psyched.”