“Only on week two of grow, 2 out of 2 seeds germinated, cracked open in less than 12 hours in dH2O, potted seeds after only about 12 hours in paper towel, had nice sprouts emerging from soil less than 24 hours later, and now have gorgeous stout seedings about 50% bigger than gelato neighbors started at the same time.”
“Only on week two of grow, 2 out of 2 seeds germinated, cracked open in less than 12 hours in dH2O, potted seeds after only about 12 hours in paper towel, had nice sprouts emerging from soil less than 24 hours later, and now have gorgeous stout seedings about 50% bigger than gelato neighbors started at the same time.”
“Wish i could have gotten alittle bit more veg time but for my first ever auto shes pretty chuncky and hard as a rock with stacks of trichombs and a super easy grow.”
“Only on week two of grow, 2 out of 2 seeds germinated, cracked open in less than 12 hours in dH2O, potted seeds after only about 12 hours in paper towel, had nice sprouts emerging from soil less than 24 hours later, and now have gorgeous stout seedings about 50% bigger than gelato neighbors started at the same time.”