“Turned into a male and almost ruined all of my crop I will never order from this company ever again North Atlantic seed bank all the way”
“2 of the seeds failed to pop. The one that did was a sold plant. Wished the other seeds would have germinated.”
“Turned into a male and almost ruined all of my crop I will never order from this company ever again North Atlantic seed bank all the way”
“6/8 Germinated. One of my plants ended up being male. Excited to see how the flowers turn out. Has been pretty resistant to pests.”
“6/8 Germinated. One of my plants ended up being male. Excited to see how the flowers turn out. Has been pretty resistant to pests.”
“6/8 Germinated. One of my plants ended up being male. Excited to see how the flowers turn out. Has been pretty resistant to pests.”
“1 seed failed to germinate, second did, however she is developing on oddity on her top. Not sure how this will play out”
“1 seed failed to germinate, second did, however she is developing on oddity on her top. Not sure how this will play out”