“Judging by seed to harvest, seeds sprouted.in less than 3 days and grew some short but strong scented plants. Heavy on the citrus scent. My smallest plant gave me 2.4 OZ. Curing right now but buds are very sticky amd frosty”
“Going from seed to harvest, all 3 seeds germinated in less than 3 days. My first plant I harvested was very short but I got 2.4OZ dry. Buds are stinking of citrus and came out sticky and resinous. Curing for a few weeks before I try a bud but I can tell I am going to love it.”
“Going from seed to harvest, all 3 seeds germinated in less than 3 days. My first plant I harvested was very short but I got 2.4OZ dry. Buds are stinking of citrus and came out sticky and resinous. Curing for a few weeks before I try a bud but I can tell I am going to love it.”