“Aurora Indica is a show stopper of a plant. I planted mine as an after thought when I had more space than I realized, and then didn't may much attention to them for a couple of months. I was walking past them when I happened to look down and was immediately stunned at their gorgeous colors. I actually felt a twinge of guilt when it came time to harvest them, but the high matched their natural beauty. A very low-maintainance plant. Definitely add them to your mix.”
“Aurora Indica is a show stopper of a plant. I planted mine as an after thought when I had more space than I realized, and then didn't may much attention to them for a couple of months. I was walking past them when I happened to look down and was immediately stunned at their gorgeous colors. I actually felt a twinge of guilt when it came time to harvest them, but the high matched their natural beauty. A very low-maintainance plant. Definitely add them to your mix.”
“Tons of trichomes - great flavor and very relaxing. Perfect to help get to sleep and stay asleep. This strain turned out the best of all the strains I bought. All sprouted and grew strong. No males.”
“Tons of trichomes - great flavor and very relaxing. Perfect to help get to sleep and stay asleep. This strain turned out the best of all the strains I bought. All sprouted and grew strong. No males.”
“Tons of trichomes - great flavor and very relaxing. Perfect to help get to sleep and stay asleep. This strain turned out the best of all the strains I bought. All sprouted and grew strong. No males.”
“Have several seedlings started for indoor growing. All seeds planted are doing well. So far I am very pleased. You don't always get 100% germination. I'll have to keep you posted on the smoking effects.”