“All seeds germinated. Very short plants, great for stealth grows. Produced fat dense buds.”
“All seeds germinated. Very short plants, great for stealth grows. Produced fat dense buds.”
“All seeds germinated. Very short plants, great for stealth grows. Produced fat dense buds.”
“None of these sprouted. Out of 16 seeds In my entire order only 4 of the Northern lights sprouted and are now in week 4 after germination.”
“None of these sprouted. Out of 16 seeds In my entire order only 4 of the Northern lights sprouted and are now in week 4 after germination.”
“None of these sprouted. Out of 16 seeds In my entire order only 4 of the Northern lights sprouted and are now in week 4 after germination.”
“Just amazing what you get from good genetics.”
“Just amazing what you get from good genetics.”