“There ones are autogrow so they are around twice as big as my royal gorilla seeds at this point. So far going very well. There was a small incident with a grow light falling that hurt 2 or 3 plants (2 were pretty bad and maybe unsavable the other 2 (one royal and one American pie) are still going well.”
“There ones are autogrow so they are around twice as big as my royal gorilla seeds at this point. So far going very well. There was a small incident with a grow light falling that hurt 2 or 3 plants (2 were pretty bad and maybe unsavable the other 2 (one royal and one American pie) are still going well.”
“There ones are autogrow so they are around twice as big as my royal gorilla seeds at this point. So far going very well. There was a small incident with a grow light falling that hurt 2 or 3 plants (2 were pretty bad and maybe unsavable the other 2 (one royal and one American pie) are still going well.”