“This is a hearty, fast, easy-to-grow strain, one of the best I've come across. The seed (I only got one) popped up in three days and took off. Mine is outside and has withstood torrents of rain and gets about six hours direct sun per day. She is now in full flower in the hot Texas sun 49 days old. Today I received my second stealth order from the Seedsman right on time.”
“This is a hearty, fast, easy-to-grow strain, one of the best I've come across. The seed (I only got one) popped up in three days and took off. Mine is outside and has withstood torrents of rain and gets about six hours direct sun per day. She is now in full flower in the hot Texas sun 49 days old. Today I received my second stealth order from the Seedsman right on time.”
“This is a hearty, fast, easy-to-grow strain, one of the best I've come across. The seed (I only got one) popped up in three days and took off. Mine is outside and has withstood torrents of rain and gets about six hours direct sun per day. She is now in full flower in the hot Texas sun 49 days old. Today I received my second stealth order from the Seedsman right on time.”