“Looking great , been training for Scrog the last 30 days, next week she gets flipped to 12/12 . I have high hopes as these are my first seeds that I paid for lol”
“Looking great , been training for Scrog the last 30 days, next week she gets flipped to 12/12 . I have high hopes as these are my first seeds that I paid for lol”
“In the drying stage right now but the plant was a pleasure to grow and a beauty! Great colors and covered in crystals I'm sure the taste and potency will be exactly what I was looking for”
“ı have a problem ı bought 100 seed and get half of them ... other half ıs stuck ı have track ıd for provide please help me ı opened suğğort ticket but didint get answer summer ıs runıng out ı need seed ı want buy more but waıtıng for ordered seed ... please help ı am waıtıng 25 day”