“Ghost Train Haze is one of the top three strains that I grow. It's a huge producer of some of the very best weed I've ever tasted. Strong Sativa genes dominate, and my experience has taught me to top it twice let it go two - three weeks extra in the flowering stage. This will really help develop the root ball for this strain. Yeah it's really tall for indoor growing at this point, and just before I put them under 12/12 I bend the tops of branches and tie them to the bottom of the plant. The results have been fantastic. The colas run from here to eternity. These usually finish quickly (8) weeks, with 4 to 5 ozs per plant once cured. I use soft 5 gal containers, grow in organic super soil, and use no chems and only add a teaspoon of molasses in every watering from week 4 in 12/12 till week 7....then just water. I also defoliate to the point of getting solid light penetration to the bud sites. Very easy to grow, she's a lighter green while growing.”
“Ghost Train Haze is one of the top three strains that I grow. It's a huge producer of some of the very best weed I've ever tasted. Strong Sativa genes dominate, and my experience has taught me to top it twice let it go two - three weeks extra in the flowering stage. This will really help develop the root ball for this strain. Yeah it's really tall for indoor growing at this point, and just before I put them under 12/12 I bend the tops of branches and tie them to the bottom of the plant. The results have been fantastic. The colas run from here to eternity. These usually finish quickly (8) weeks, with 4 to 5 ozs per plant once cured. I use soft 5 gal containers, grow in organic super soil, and use no chems and only add a teaspoon of molasses in every watering from week 4 in 12/12 till week 7....then just water. I also defoliate to the point of getting solid light penetration to the bud sites. Very easy to grow, she's a lighter green while growing.”
“Ghost Train Haze is one of the top three strains that I grow. It's a huge producer of some of the very best weed I've ever tasted. Strong Sativa genes dominate, and my experience has taught me to top it twice let it go two - three weeks extra in the flowering stage. This will really help develop the root ball for this strain. Yeah it's really tall for indoor growing at this point, and just before I put them under 12/12 I bend the tops of branches and tie them to the bottom of the plant. The results have been fantastic. The colas run from here to eternity. These usually finish quickly (8) weeks, with 4 to 5 ozs per plant once cured. I use soft 5 gal containers, grow in organic super soil, and use no chems and only add a teaspoon of molasses in every watering from week 4 in 12/12 till week 7....then just water. I also defoliate to the point of getting solid light penetration to the bud sites. Very easy to grow, she's a lighter green while growing.”