“I planted three Alaskan purple seeds straight into coco and two of the three seeds popped up after two days. They are still seedlings but I can see noticeable growth daily.”
“7-gallon (nominal) 5-gallon (estimated) fabric pots with TLO Soil, No nutes. 4x2 Gorilla. 330W ChilLED. 6" AC Infinity exhaust.
I bought 3 seeds and all three germinated (+1 star).
The good seed was medium sized and nearly black. Matured in 9 weeks and yielded 3 quarts of nice hairy homegrown. (+1 star)
The bad seed was wee, green-brown with a prominent white highlight on the bulge. Matured in 13 weeks and yielded 3 quarts of nice homegrown white with sugar. (+1 star)
The ugly seed was enormous like a peppercorn with nice chestnut coloring and a subtle tiger-striping. Flowering went awry with this one - the structure was awful. Twigs that never filled out. I allowed it to go 13 weeks with the bad seed and yielded a nice packet of pretty good hash. (no stars)
Because it went nearly 50% long from the first plant to the last, and experienced so much genetic variance, I'm taking away a star. (-1 star)”
“This was my first grow. I harvested and dried. I only got just over an ounce but it is really enjoyable smoke. The buds are a bit airy but I’m happy with first results. I’ll get better as I go.”
“This was my first grow. I harvested and dried. I only got just over an ounce but it is really enjoyable smoke. The buds are a bit airy but I’m happy with first results. I’ll get better as I go.”
“This was my first grow. I harvested and dried. I only got just over an ounce but it is really enjoyable smoke. The buds are a bit airy but I’m happy with first results. I’ll get better as I go.”
“Ordered in x3 seeds. Placed them in lightwarrior soil in solo cups under a humidity dome in 70~ degrees. Three weeks later nothing. Would have expected at least one to sprout.”