“Review of Seedsman Jack Herrer Auto--
I wasn’t even going to write a review, as I have decided not to EVER purchase from Seedsman again, as I was very disappointed, frustrated and just plain stressed by just about every phase regarding this Seedsman purchase order # 100518358. And I’m suffering from Multiple Myeloma, which is cancer of the bone marrow, which severely compromises my immune system and undue stress is the worst thing for this situation, especially as my intentions had been to start a cancer cannabis growing consortium and I was feeling the pressure of cancer suffers counting on me to purchase seeds to start the grow process. Unfortunately the whole debacle from the start just kept snowballing toward disaster.
My order consisted of a Seedsman brand promo buy a 3-seed auto pack--get a free 3-seed pack of the same strain, along with free Cheese Fem seeds for exceeding a certain purchase amount. I ordered 1 3-seed pack of Amnesia Auto, which I had purchased last year from Seedsman, without incident and 1 3-seed pack of Jack Herrer Auto. Therefore, in total I was due 6 Amnesia Auto, 6 Jack Herrer Auto and 3 Cheese Fem, along with 4 seeds from the Bitcoin Bonus Bundle promo, which the strains being sent weren’t listed. First, I had all sorts of difficulties with the payment process. The order date was 6/24/19, but the payment confirmation to which begins the shipping process wasn’t until 6/27/919 and the order was shipped on 7/12/19. Next, I had difficulties with the delivery process, as my order was lost in transit. Then, when I received the replacement package on 8/2/19 they didn’t send all the seeds due me and then tried to insinuate that I was trying to pull a scam, because they had a photo of my order packets being stapled together ready for shipment. However, I sent a photo of the packets I received and there were absolutely NO staple holes anywhere. I was thoroughly upset and insulted by the insinuation of my doing something unscrupulous for some cannabis seeds. I was raised to live my life with honesty and integrity and fair-play. Plus as I stated I have a life-threatening medical issue and I believe in karma and misappropriating cannabis seeds is not worth bringing negative energy into my life.
With time for the growing season dwindling, on 8/4/19, I started the germination process for all six of the seeds that had been sent. All 3 of the Jack Herrer Auto seeds and 2 of the Amnesia Auto seeds germinated and I planted those. Next the missing auto seeds due me from the replacement package was received on Tues 8/13/19, but I was sent extra seeds of the same auto strains I had ordered, I figured in order to make up for not only the missing ones, but also since the free Cheese Fem and Bitcoin Bundle seeds weren’t sent, the auto seeds sent in excess of the replacement seeds must have been in lieu of the Cheese Fem seeds, which wasn’t sent and is the strain I really wanted, as I would be able to make clones, which can’t be done with auto seeds and also I didn’t receive seeds designated as Bitcoin Bundle seeds, which I was looking forward to being able to try different strains, but I assume extra autos were sent in lieu of those seeds also. And even though I got the total number of seeds due me, I was very disappointed in getting all auto strains and not even one of a strain I could get clones from, as I had ordered enough of the auto strains to grow in what had become a truncated growing season, due to all the mishaps that had occurred. So, I wasn’t planning on growing just autos and now they will have to just be stored until next season and hope they are still viable to grow or I will have wasted money. I didn’t understand why this switch was made, as they still had the Cheese Fem in stock and were still offering the free Cheese Fem seeds and of course they never explained why I wasn’t sent the strains that were in the order and my query regarding this issue was just ignored.
Now let’s go to the next phase, First I have to grow outdoors, as I don’t have access to an indoor grow system, therefore all the extra weeks of delay from 6/24/19, when I first tried to make the purchase order to the time I planted the first packets I received on 8/2/19, my growing time frame was significantly reduced by 6 weeks, which further enhanced my frustration. However, nothing that had transpired previously was anywhere near as devastating at what was about to happen. Please note that all the plants were planted and cared for exactly the same way in the exact same environment. My planting process for autos has always been to germinate the seeds in a wet paper towel and then plant in 16 oz plastic solo cups to be very carefully transplanted into the finishing pot when the plant in the cup has about 4 sets of leaves and reached about 3 to 4 inches. Well, that’s what happened with the two amnesia plants. However, two of the Jack Herrer Autos never grew more than about 2 inches, with about 3 tiny sets of leaves, before just dying. The remaining seed grew to about 2 inches and then just didn’t grow anymore—it didn’t die, but it didn’t grow and then it just went into the flowering stage as per the predetermined growing schedule. I had never seen nor heard of cannabis plants acting like that. On the other hand the amnesia seeds planted at the same time grew successfully. When I received the 5-seed pack of Jack Herrer Auto seeds on 8/12/19, because I had never before tried growing Jack Herrer Autos and due to my concern and curiosity regarding the slow or no growth of the Jack Herrer Autos planted on 8/6/19, I decided on 8/13/19, I would plant all 5 of the Jack Herrer seeds that had been sent. The results were that only 3 seeds germinated and on 8/15/19 I planted all three of those plants. Those three plants grew a little faster, but about the time they had 3 sets of leaves and before I could transplant them to the they started to flower, without any sign of roots growing out the bottom of the cup, so I didn’t want to chance transplanting them. They ended up only growing to about 4 inches. Note: Please see the attached photos of Jack Herrer Auto & Amnesia Auto--for comparison. Photos taken on 9/24/19. Eventually, I after I harvested the dwarf Jack Herrer Auto plants, the harvest from all the 4 plants was enough to barely roll 6 very slight joints—absolutely ridiculous. Again, I’ve never seen or heard about something like this happening and even though the Amnesia Autos that were planted successfully grew to the proper size--just, as they did from the Seedsman Amnesia Auto seeds last year, I have to say the overall outcome on top of all I had endured must be a sign that Seedsman is just synergistically not the seedbank for me. I wasted a lot of money, time, energy, along with having to endure practically being accused of trying to run a scam for some seeds and all of which compounded the stress that I was fearful would exacerbated my cancer condition. I don’t think I should have to put my life at risk just to buy cannabis seeds and in the future I will not.
René Hicks”
“SCAM SCAM SCAM SEED BANK.... BEWARE. I'm going to visit their UK, SPAIN locations soon to prove they are a SCAMBANK. Their email support team is clueless. Wanting me to comment on items not purchased. Their email support team has horrible response times. They reply with irrelevant information not associated with my order. I wish the manager/CEO was in front of my face. I would publically humiliate him in front of others for SCAMMING....”