“One of the best Autos. Very Bushy with plenty of compact Nugs. Growth is Ok. But quality of buds much better as an auto. The Ruderalis portion has been pulled out to improve the quality. Nice colors Will
Try again .”
“One of the best Autos. Very Bushy with plenty of compact Nugs. Growth is Ok. But quality of buds much better as an auto. The Ruderalis portion has been pulled out to improve the quality. Nice colors Will
Try again .”
“Jack Herer auto. Fem is a must. Have. Easy to grow low n compact. Good chunky bud production for an. Auto Let it grow. Check trichs for. Harvest time. Adds size later for better volume”
“Jack Herer auto. Fem is a must. Have. Easy to grow low n compact. Good chunky bud production for an. Auto Let it grow. Check trichs for. Harvest time. Adds size later for better volume”
“Jack Herer auto. Fem is a must. Have. Easy to grow low n compact. Good chunky bud production for an. Auto Let it grow. Check trichs for. Harvest time. Adds size later for better volume”
“Tried popping theses seeds had 10 pack out Of 7 seeds none have popped of that six have not germinated don’t know say in water for 14 hours then paper towel methoAfter 5 days no taproot showing”
“Tried popping theses seeds had 10 pack out Of 7 seeds none have popped of that six have not germinated don’t know say in water for 14 hours then paper towel methoAfter 5 days no taproot showing”
“Tried popping theses seeds had 10 pack out Of 7 seeds none have popped of that six have not germinated don’t know say in water for 14 hours then paper towel methoAfter 5 days no taproot showing”