“All seeds grew well but have no sticky on the buds and has no smell and is bunk. The other seeds I bought, one popped out of nine and it was real pretty but once again no smell, little sticky and bunk, and the other three seeds all popped and grew fine but were bunk. What is up with the quality of the weed now days?”
“All seeds grew well but have no sticky on the buds and has no smell and is bunk. The other seeds I bought, one popped out of nine and it was real pretty but once again no smell, little sticky and bunk, and the other three seeds all popped and grew fine but were bunk. What is up with the quality of the weed now days?”
“All seeds grew well but have no sticky on the buds and has no smell and is bunk. The other seeds I bought, one popped out of nine and it was real pretty but once again no smell, little sticky and bunk, and the other three seeds all popped and grew fine but were bunk. What is up with the quality of the weed now days?”