“Words can’t describe this strain from seedsman. Fast growing. Takes lst like an absolute boss. It’s yield is generous. The aroma while it’s growing is so sublime. Sour gas pine lemon a little fruity. For being the price and what the plant gives. Why would you buy anything else when this is the full package. I got 10 seeds 9 germinated big yield didn’t measure the yield because it’s all for me! California dreams are made of seedsman genetics”
“Purchased a 5 pack. All germinated perfect, but as soon as they sprouted there was clear abnormalities on 4.
My 1 perfect plant is growing extremely fast.
Contacted seedsman but haven't received a response. It has been over a week.
Hopefully it was just a bad batch, I will try their seeds again still.”
“62 of 99 sprouted not to bad I'm ok with that I did only get 99 seeds when I ordered 100 looks like they would do a better job counting but all in all I'm ok with it”
“Received my seeds on the 29th of this month. Germinated them on the 30th. They are up and running, it's like they are in a race to harvest. Amazing genetics.”