“So far great! Seedsman's web site make decision making for seed selection so easy. The only problem I have recently run across has been paying for the product; I have figured out how to best purchase seeds and have had two purchases go flawlessly.
As for these particular seeds, they appear healthy. I have not added any grow medium to these seeds yet.
Overall, the seeds I purchase from Seedsman are quality; I look for seeds provided to Seedsman are from reputable banks. Any fail in the growing process seems to stem from my gardening practices.”
“So far great! Seedsman's web site make decision making for seed selection so easy. The only problem I have recently run across has been paying for the product; I have figured out how to best purchase seeds and have had two purchases go flawlessly.
As for these particular seeds, they appear healthy. I have not added any grow medium to these seeds yet.
Overall, the seeds I purchase from Seedsman are quality; I look for seeds provided to Seedsman are from reputable banks. Any fail in the growing process seems to stem from my gardening practices.”
“So far great! Seedsman's web site make decision making for seed selection so easy. The only problem I have recently run across has been paying for the product; I have figured out how to best purchase seeds and have had two purchases go flawlessly.
As for these particular seeds, they appear healthy. I have not added any grow medium to these seeds yet.
Overall, the seeds I purchase from Seedsman are quality; I look for seeds provided to Seedsman are from reputable banks. Any fail in the growing process seems to stem from my gardening practices.”