“I was extremely pleased with growing these, all three germinated with only one being a little slower to finish flowering than the others, but all healthy and compact, i topped them all taking a risk, but all have done excellent, the first two yielded just over two ounces each, and i can tell by eye that the third is going to be yielding even more come harvest time, these were grown using a 400w MH during veg and a 400w hps with added blue spectrum while flowering, very good seeds, i would recommend and buy”
“I was extremely pleased with growing these, all three germinated with only one being a little slower to finish flowering than the others, but all healthy and compact, i topped them all taking a risk, but all have done excellent, the first two yielded just over two ounces each, and i can tell by eye that the third is going to be yielding even more come harvest time, these were grown using a 400w MH during veg and a 400w hps with added blue spectrum while flowering, very good seeds, i would recommend and buy”