“I grew this strain because it was a part of a free seed pack. I didn't have high hopes for it. Only 1 out of the 3 seeds they gave me popped. I have never had a problem sprouting seeds so I was disappointed that only 1 seed grew. I am a beginner and tried some trimming and topping techniques. Got 3.2 oz dry weight. A very speedy head rush immediately that turns creative and then to relaxed. I did not think that it would have been so good. She took well to stress high heat and thrived throughout the grow. I absolutely love the smell after 2 months of cure really brings out the blueberry smell and taste. It does take a long cure to get there though. I would give 5 stars if 2 of the seeds they sent me were not shit. The seeds they sent had 1 good looking seed and 2 that were mostly white to cream color. Other than the fact they gave me shitty 2 out of 3 bad seeds the 1 seed I did get grew well preformed great and actually did everything that the description says it does”
“My state turned recreational legal. I bought 20 seeds from seedsman, and 30 from eBay. 26 plants, not one from seedsman. =-(. eBay are random "novelty hemp 18-25%thc" I hope they really are. I was hoping for better from named strains. This review applies to 5 strains, so clearly something outside normal happened. Don't blame anyone, but can't say I'm happy about it either.”