“Never received my seeds and I only got a customer service response many weeks later only 1x mentioning that I should just recheck my post office but I was never notified about delivery. Total ripoff and lack of real know how into delivering the package I purchased. Stay away from these guys and buy elsewhere. They'll take your money and deceive you with fake tracking.
Now I've fallen behind on growing out my medication for my PTSD symptoms. I just wanted my seeds to grow my own medicine. This was a really bad experience. Definitely not buying from these guys again and I'll turn anyone away who asks for seeds within my social circle.
I just wanted to save some money during these trying times and got ripped off in the process.”
“Ganhei 3 sementes de Withe Widow Seedsman de freebie na minha ultima compra e germinei uma das 3 freebie em novembro e cresci outdoor,a planta foi muito bem com o clima brasileiro mais infelizmente as chuvas e o calor foi acima da média esse ano e eu fui obrigado a colher no meio da flora, mais mesmo assim a qualidade da erva é excelente a fumaça é suave ,doce e muito saborosa e o efeito é extremamente potente,duradouro e cerebral,germinei as outras duas freebies em março as sementes germinaram com 2 dias mesmo tendo ficado guardadas na geladeira por mais de 4 meses ,as sementes da Seedsman são de excelente qualidade todas as 3 freebies germinaram e mesmo plantadas no outono estão lindas.”
“I harvested (grew organic) 2 ww and 2 bb great tri production, good quality, good amount, now have 1 ww, 1bb, and 1 grand daddy purp. 7 out of 7 seeds germinated, used paper towel.”
“I have been growing this strain for several years, this is my first purchase from seedsman , have a couple months before harvest , hoping for good results and hopefully a new relationship”
“I have been growing this strain for several years, this is my first purchase from seedsman , have a couple months before harvest , hoping for good results and hopefully a new relationship”