“I popped 5 white widow seeds and 3 of them were worthy of the mighty flower room after a couple months of veg. Two of the three White Widows took a short and stalky stance with sturdy branches reaching about 2ft in hight and a bit wider than that. Those two WWs have some of the tightest internodal spacing I have seen in my 5 years of growing cannabis. One of them is even tighter than the other and I am excited about the intense amount of leaf to pistol ratio. They just look like straight colas. Exactly what I was aiming for. The other short and stalky WW has inernodal spacing similar to the first on but not as aggressive. The third WW grew much bigger than the other Widows I got, not as tight internodal spacing, but because it vegged out so well it is contending for 1st place in my garden as well. I am on week 5 of flower and hoping to see some bulking go on. I will be adding photos when I get a real camera. My phone camera is a joke. As of the the other areas of review, they will have to wait because the flowers aren't done yet! Everything looks and is smelling promising, though.”