Attention: If you have any problems with products PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE contact customer support, this applies to not only our company but to all companies as a matter of being a great person and working to resolve issues. Businesses can not solve problems that they do know exist. In this case, we were given 5 1-star reviews before customer support was even contacted about potential issues. In the end, the error was as simple as the buyer expected a porch delivery from UPS or FedEx and the package was in fact already in his mailbox. We were able to check the tracking we sent him and tell him it was in his mailbox at which point he confirmed it was found. But as a matter of being decent to others, please contact support, and let's resolve issues before they escalate and cause everyone to have a bad day.
Attention: If you have any problems with products PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE contact customer support, this applies to not only our company but to all companies as a matter of being a great person and working to resolve issues. Businesses can not solve problems that they do know exist. In this case, we were given 5 1-star reviews before customer support was even contacted about potential issues. In the end, the error was as simple as the buyer expected a porch delivery from UPS or FedEx and the package was in fact already in his mailbox. We were able to check the tracking we sent him and tell him it was in his mailbox at which point he confirmed it was found. But as a matter of being decent to others, please contact support, and let's resolve issues before they escalate and cause everyone to have a bad day.
Attention: If you have any problems with products PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE contact customer support, this applies to not only our company but to all companies as a matter of being a great person and working to resolve issues. Businesses can not solve problems that they do know exist. In this case, we were given 5 1-star reviews before customer support was even contacted about potential issues. In the end, the error was as simple as the buyer expected a porch delivery from UPS or FedEx and the package was in fact already in his mailbox. We were able to check the tracking we sent him and tell him it was in his mailbox at which point he confirmed it was found. But as a matter of being decent to others, please contact support, and let's resolve issues before they escalate and cause everyone to have a bad day.