“The instructions stated to use the shipping box to fit into the bag, unfortunately the shipping box was to badly damaged upon receiving, but no damge to the bag. The box looked like it got caught on something and tore the 2 sides. The bag was folded into the box, so the box would not have fit into the bag per the instructions. We retrofitted a box for the bag. Our 10*20 canopy fits great in the bag.”
Thank you for your 4-star rating of our STORE-IT Canopy Rolling Storage Bag! We truly appreciate your feedback and are glad to hear that the bag itself was not damaged during shipping. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the damaged shipping box, but we're happy to know that you were able to retrofit another box for the bag. It's great to hear that your 10X20 canopy fits perfectly in the bag. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out. Thank you for choosing our product!
“The Model # 15577 Store-It Canopy Roller Bag works great when correctly assembled, but the directions accompanying are incorrect and confusing and should be revised to facilitate proper assembly. The Canopy Roller Bag is structureless, except for the rigid bottom end of the bag with the rollers and feet. Structure is added to the rest of the 41.9-inch long Roller Bag by placing the sturdy bottom of the CANOPY SHIPPING BOX in the roller bag, but this is not clearly indicated in the Roller Bag instructions. Instead, the Roller-Bag instructions start with the following note: "We recommend using the bottom half of this cardboard box as an inner support." One would assume the noted recommendation refers to the box that the Model # 15577 Store-It Canopy Roller Bag is shipped in, but that is incorrect, as the Roller Bag is shipped from ShelterLogic in a 19.5" X 20.5" X 6" flapped box that does not separate into a top and bottom half. Instead, it becomes apparent only from the first photo illustration in the Roller-Bag instructions that the above recommendation refers to the bottom half of the CANOPY SHIPPING BOX and NOT the much smaller box that the Canopy Roller Bag is shipped in! These ambiguous and/or incorrect instructions likely account for the difficulty that many users have in using the Canopy Roller Bag (see negative Reviews). However, when the Roller Bag is correctly assembled using the bottom of the CANOPY SHIPPING BOX as the structural addition, as is illustrated in Photo 1 of the Roller-Bag instructions (Insert bottom of shipping box into bag.), the Canopy Roller Bag works great!
ShelterLogic: Please review and revise the instructions for the Model # 15577 Store-It Canopy Roller Bag so the instructions clearly denote the use of the bottom half of the CANOPY SHIPPING BOX as an essential additional element to the Canopy Roller Bag. Thanks!”