“The parts are very sturdy but we found that the bars in the middle were not bent evenly on the extension kit compared to the standard 12 x 20 kit. We ended up with a part sticking out farther then the rest. The 12 x 20 kit would probably be ok but we added the extension kit to make it 24' and thats where the issue happened.”
We are very sorry to hear about this! Please note that we strive to provide a quality product and can assure you that this is not a common occurrence, and we will be using this feedback proactively. We always suggest that when an imperfection is noticed, to submit a warranty claim and have one of our warranty reps review it and provide a solution. Our customer service team can also help you with your request. They are available 7-days a week at 1-800-932-9344.
Thank you, Customer Service