“We love shintos, since our dog has been eating shintos she stopped eating grass which from what I understand your dog eats grass because of lack of fiber, and she's quit vomiting, from eating grass.
Lola loves her shintos and always woofs it down.
It's a great product we recommend it for all you dog lovers out there.”
“Scout knows when I open the refrigerator and take out Shintos for her. She is hopeful whenever I open the refrigerator but when it is Shintos, I start laughing to look at her. She has the biggest smile you have ever seen! Wonder if I gave it to my husband …would I get the same response? Probably, it looks good, smells good and is healthy. Thank you”
“My three kids love all the Shinto's wet foods. They gobble it up in a matter minutes. The kids have been on Shinto's for years, and I believe it contributes greatly to their outstanding health!”
“I am very happy I found Shinto's! My 13 year old dachshund has had a lot of health problems the last couple years: pancreatitis, kidney and liver disease. Almost a year ago, his vet said he was on "hospice". I've been feeding him Shintos food and bone broth, and like the Energuzer bunny, he just keeps going and going . . THANK YOU, SHINTOS!”